Wise tents plagiarized Pomoly tent and website, 30 screenshots shows stealing details
As consumers, we hate pirated products and sellers. They steal photos and copybooks of genuine brands, but send fake products. The news that many people know is that a large model plane bought for $19 actually received a small toy. What’s worse is that when someone bought the balance car for $29, he received a pair of socks in the package. We hate such fake sellers. Let’s take a look at how wistent copied the pomoly brand. In the following picture comparison, we can see many stealing details of pictures and description.
30 screenshots shows stealing details

From the above screenshots, we can see that wisetent copied a lot of pomoly content, including pictures and description. When I compared the two websites, I was very surprised by the behavior of wisent. This fake brand has no sense of honor, and they will not provide guarantee for buyers. If you want to buy hot tent products, please note that you must choose to buy them on the brand’s official website.